Tesla Employee Shares That Self Driving Video Was Staged

A video released by Tesla in 2016, which claimed to show the carmaker's self-driving technology in use on the road, was actually staged, according to testimony from a senior Tesla engineer. Ashok Elluswamy, Tesla's director of Autopilot software, said in a deposition for a 2018 lawsuit against Tesla after a fatal crash involving Autopilot that the car in the video was actually driving on a predetermined route and couldn't actually do things like stop at a red light by itself. Elluswamy's testimony is reportedly the first time a Tesla employee has confirmed and explained how the company made the video.

Tesla Increases Discounts Across US, Europe

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/2018_Tesla_Model_S_75D.jpg Vauxford, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tesla has recently made the decision to lower the prices of its vehicles by up to 20% in an effort to boost demand. This move has resulted in the basic version of the Model Y now being priced at $52,990, compared to its previous price of $65,990. However, this decision has not been met with universal praise, as there have been protests at Tesla delivery centers in China and a petition started by US buyers who purchased cars before the price cuts took effect. Despite the backlash, this move by Tesla is not without precedent. It is not uncommon for cars to lose 20% of their value once they leave the dealership lot. However, Tesla has taken this a step further by implementing these price cuts before the cars even leave the lot. This is a bold and innovative move by the company, and it will be interesting to see how it ultimately impacts the demand for Tesla vehicles.

Tesla Misses 2022 Production Target

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Tesla_Autopilot_engaged_on_I-80_near_Lake_Tahoe.jpg Natecation, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Despite aiming for a 50% increase in deliveries in 2022, Tesla fell short of its goal, with a 40% increase in deliveries. In an effort to boost sales, the company offered $7,500 rebates at the end of December. This move is indicative of the challenges the company is facing in the highly competitive electric vehicle market.